
Selection for RBSA Exhibition

I am beyond delighted to let you know that my piece: ‘Derwent Water I’ has been selected for the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Friends Exhibition.

'The annual RBSA Friends Exhibition gives artists starting their membership journey with the RBSA the opportunity to exhibit work in the Gallery.

With the Friends scheme having been in existence since the 1900s, the RBSA was one of the first art societies to offer subscribers the opportunity to exhibit in a dedicated exhibition and the number of submissions has grown year on year. A significant number of Friends progress up the RBSA membership ladder to become Associates and, later, full Members, and many have also helped shape the future of the Society by becoming Council members.

The number of Friends currently stands at approximately 250 meaning that an enormously diverse range of artistic practices are represented in the exhibition. The work on display also demonstrates the wealth of talent within the Friends community’. (RBSA)

The exhibition will take place between 11th January and 10th February 2024 at the RBSA Gallery in St Paul’s Square Birmingham.

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